12 de junho de 2009

Cool Things 32

I've got an email from my russian friend/partner/promoter Irina today.

Here is some part of it:

Marcelo, you fine?
Now it's official, Fragile Equality are in the plans of some other label here, by the way, the same one which work with Magna Carta and released Khallice's The Journey here.

it's very good that the fans will have an opportunity to buy Russian manufactured CD by reasonable price... before I felt very bad cos I didn't know what to tell people who asked: well, but where can I buy it? rs And it's better later than never.

Thanks Irina, I know that you were so important to make this happen! :)

4 comentários:

Pequena Gafanhota disse...

ÊÊÊÊ, que vocês vendam muitos cds ;D

Marcelo Barbosa disse...

Thanks. ;)

Anônimo disse...

Parabéns, vocês merecem!

Mary disse...

Que ótimo!!!!!!
Parabéns pra Irina também, está fazendo um ótimo trabalho! ;)

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